Renewable Energy

Renewable energy is defined as energy that is renewed at a fair good rate by natural processes. Sunlight, wind, flowing…...

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Biomass Energy

According to official World Bank data, biomass accounts for around 13% of all primary energy consumed globally. When we look…...

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Geothermal Energy

The interior of the earth is tremendously hot. Some of the heat is due to energy released during the formation…...

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Hydropower Energy

Hydroelectric power is electricity generated by water turbines that convert potential energy in falling water to mechanical energy. Hydropower turbines…...

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Solar Energy

The Earth benefits greatly from its orbit around the Sun. It is constantly bombarded with enormous amounts of energy in…...

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Tidal Energy

Tidal energy systems create electricity by harnessing the energy in seawater. They take advantage of the Tidal energy systems use…...

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Wind Energy

One of the earliest renewable resources to gain widespread use is wind energy. Total global wind power capacity is now…...

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Renewable Energy Origin

A renewable energy source means energy that has infinite life and does not end in the near future like fossil…...

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